IDS: 25.–29.03.2025 #IDScologne

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DB-Prophy Paste | Aussteller auf der IDS - Internationale Dental-Schau 2025

DB-Prophy Paste

DB-Prophy Paste is dental pumice used to polish the teeth and prosthesis.

ㆍMade with nano-sized natural particles, it is effective for fine  abrasion and less irritating.

ㆍ Does not leave pigmentation with a moderate amount of color. 
ㆍThoroughly removes abrasive.

ㆍHas less lumps due to proper viscosity and great abrasion properties  thanks to rapid dispersion when applied

ㆍAdded with sweet strawberry flavor and natural mint flavor, minimizing resistance when applied.
58, Cheomdan venture soro 37 beongil
61003 Gwangju
Korea, Süd
Halle 3.2 | D067