IDS: 25.–29.03.2025 #IDScologne

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DE Natural-F Gel | Aussteller auf der IDS - Internationale Dental-Schau 2025 Natural-F Gel | Aussteller auf der IDS - Internationale Dental-Schau 2025 EN


Natural-F Gel | Aussteller auf der IDS - Internationale Dental-Schau 2025

Natural-F Gel

Natural-F Gel is a fluoride gel that contains 2.09% NaF.

ㆍNatural – F Gel has a gel texture and contains highly concentrated 2.09% fluoride compound. 
ㆍIt should be placed on the tooth surface, so fluoride can be applied to the teeth.
ㆍIt should be applied to children over 4 years old for every 3-6months after dental examination as it is highly concentrated 
    compound that contains 1.23% fluoride ion.
ㆍSweet and various fruit flavors (strawberry, peach, orange, etc.) relieve resistance when applied to the teeth and 
     it is highly beneficial for the health of the teeth as it contains xylitol.
ㆍAfter application, be careful not to swallow fluoride and spit it out and do not consume food within one hour after applying fluoride. 
ㆍNatural-F Gel does not flow down when putting on the tray.

Single unit (Amount : 500ml) / Strawberry, Peach, Orange, Grape, Mint (5 Flavors) 
- Tray (Sold separately)
58, Cheomdan venture soro 37 beongil
61003 Gwangju
Korea, Süd
Halle 3.2 | D067